
作者: 时间:2020-10-22 点击数:



1.美国农业部“Evaluation of HLB control and metabolite analysis from passive trunk injection of Penicillin-G (2015-2016)”;

2.美国农业部“Field Trial to Evaluate Control and Analyze Residues from Passive Trunk Injection of Penicillin-G”;

3. Florida州农业部“Epidemiological study of Florida citrus canker bacterium in urburn Miami”。


1. Limited persistence of residues and metabolites in fruit and juice following penicillin trunk infusion in citrus affected by Huanglongbing. Crop Protection, 2019 (SCI一区).

2. First Report of the 16SrIV-D Phytoplasma Associated with Decline of a Bismarck Palm (Bismarckia nobilis). Plant Health Progress, 2018.

3. Effects and side effects of penicillin injection in huanglongbing affected grapefruit trees. Crop Protection, 2016 (SCI一区).

4. Whole genome sequence of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” from a huanglongbing-affected citrus tree in Central Florida. Genome Announcements, 2015.

5. Characterization of “Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus” Populations by Double-Loucus Analyses. Current Microbiology, 2014 (SCI三区).


1. 2013年“协助多明尼加国调查防治柑橘黄龙病志愿者”Florida州2013年志愿者年度人物奖;

2.2009年“柑橘黄龙病鉴定团队” 2009年Florida州戴维斯奖;


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